Does bad credit history stop you from applying for any of those loans? Are you worried that your college dream can never come true because of this? I admit that it will be much easier to get an approval from loan fellowships if you have a clean and good credit rating, but it is also not impossible to get a loan if you have bad credit history.
Let me give you an example. The Stafford loan, a beloved Us group of schooling loan, does not reconsider credit rating as an critical factor in their decisions in approving student loans. They assume that any applicant is a fresh high school graduate who is off to college, and therefore does not have any kind of credit history at all. Perkins loan, a federal student loan for the most financially unstable families, also practices the same method.
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Being a student and bad credit history only meet ends if you have a previously defaulted federal student loan. So, you admittedly do not have to be hopeless in this kind of situation.
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